Investigations UN to The Gaza Strip

The UN Secretary General told reporters that he is ready to take "the necessary action" to start off a full investigation into the events. He however informed that he would progress slowly in a deliberate manner after he discusses with all the concerned parties.

Afterwards, he told reporters he is ready to take "the necessary action" to start a full investigation into the events on the Turkish flagged ship the Mavi Marmara. But he said he would proceed in a deliberate manner, discussing it with all the concerned parties, before making a decision on how to go forward.

"It [the investigation] should be one which can gain credibility and support from the parties concerned," said Ban Ki-moon. "This is a very sensitive and even difficult, therefore, I am still in the process of these consultations. I will try to make it as impartial, as credible, as transparent as possible."

He however, refused to get into the details of the available options for investigations.

He said that the Israelis authorities would have to support with a full and detailed accounting of the events surrounding the incident and also added that there were possbilities of the UN Council sending an international fact finding mission to the region to look into the possiblity of violations of international law.
He added that the violence could be avoided if Israel had earlier paid attention to the three year long blockade resulting in prevention of the supply of essential goods from reaching Gaza.

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