Google Inadvertently Collected Personal Data

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Google made a stunning admission: for over three years, it has inadvertently collected snippets of private information that people send over unencrypted wireless networks.

The admission, made in an official blog post by Alan Eustace, Google’s engineering chief, comes a month after regulators in Europe started asking the search giant pointed questions about Street View, the layer of real-world photographs accessible from Google Maps. Regulators wanted to know what data Google collects as its camera-toting cars methodically troll through cities and neighborhoods, and what Google does with that data.

It admitted to collecting certain kinds of data around the world that identify Wi-Fi networks in order to help improve its mapping products. Mr. Eustace tried to downplay the admission, saying that Google “never used that data in any Google products” and collected only fragments, because the cars were moving constantly and changing channels many times each second. Only when someone was using their unencrypted, non-password-protected network was the data collected and stored.

Google temporarily grounded its Street View cars and will stop collecting Wi-Fi network data entirely, Mr. Eustace wrote.

Hmm ......... !!!!

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