Tips Managing Multiple Blogs


More sharing of experience in managing many blogs. But to run these tips should begin as early as possible when your blog is still a matter of finger.

Tips will be very powerful if you start now when you do not blog too much. Or may still be 1 or 2. But if you have many, oh you need extra hard work. And double power. Btw, these tips free to blog or deliberately made monetize search for money.

  1. Discover the basic theme.
    This is important, a blog will be very formidable if one contains a theme. If you have many themes, and almost everything not related? Then specify a theme and let the others remain. Do not remove!

  2. Research the keywords that relate to the theme that.My favorite tool is Keyword its AdWords. Enter the basic theme of living and Voila you have 150 keywords that use the theme that additional keywords related to that theme.

  3. Start Article Reviews.
    Make all the adwords keyword as title of the article, and try to explain the meaning of the keyword. You able to try to write at least 5 articles per day for 1 blog. If you have many blogs, then you can reduce to 2 articles per blog.

  4. Consistent.
    This is the most difficult. Maintain consistency. But if you already have a web many articles, in fact you only need to do the campaign and the campaign only. Update once every 3 days.

From Cafebisnis
READ MORE - Tips Managing Multiple Blogs

Do you know File Extension 09 ?

Some day I read an article on some blog, on the File Extension 09, therefore in this article I will discussed at a glance.

Inside the Golden Orchard Apple II CD-Rom there is a File Extension 09, in Room CD is Aplle create more than 600 megabytes of applications, letters, games and untilites. File Extension 09 is one of the file extension in the Apple II. for users who like the Apple II GS need to scan File Extension 09 in order to successfully run the extension.

The Apple II GS have super high-resolution video mode of 640x200 pixels. The Apple II GS easily developed, use the SCSI host adaptors and Expansion Cards to improve selection. Apple II GS The new features will become standard fare, including Apple Finder applications and Apple Desktop Bus is used to input peripherals.

With exterior design model gray, Apple called a "platinum", which started with the Apple II GS. He called Snow White or Frog design - vertical and horizontal stripes with the decoration, texturing the surface at least, white or light gray and unadorned port access. The Apple II GS and running File Extension 09.

If you user the windows operating system and your windows can not open the File Extension 09, there may be errors in the registry program in the install. We suggest you scan your system opersi with application that can detect the damage in your windows registry
READ MORE - Do you know File Extension 09 ?

Nexian G900


Nexian existensinya strengthen again as it leads the local mobile phone launched Nexian G900 is trendy and luxurious, and is equipped with a special menu for the connection to Facebook. Convenience to update the status on the social networking site that can be done easily. Only with one click only.

"Nexian G900 is not only captivating in appearance only, but also has the ability to chat and support activities in the Facebook status updates that are current trends easily. This product offerings into the consumer as evidence that is Nexian pioneer in the field of local phone, "said Martono Jaya Kusuma, President Director of PT. Metrotech Jaya Komunika, principal mobile phone companies Nexian.

GPRS Card for Two
Not just On Dual GSM mobile phone that are trendy, Nexian NX-G900 also has the ability to connect to GPRS through the second pair of cards. GPRS connection can be directly due to the default settings for the network connection through XL.

Chat and Facebook
Ease in the GPRS connection from Nexian NX-G900 is the need to support Facebook Chat and consumers. First, to update the status in Facebook is because the special menu is provided. Likewise if you want to do chat. EBuddy facilities already available. Chatting through MSN, GTalk, Yahoo and others can be done easily. QWERTY keypad design will be easier in pengetikan message

Opera Mini
To add comfort in the operation of the NX-G900 Nexian, provided the browser is Opera Mini. Access web pages faster than WAP and is also convenient because the existence of the screen that the device is owned by the knowledgeable.

READ MORE - Nexian G900

Contrib XML for The Information Technology


File Extension XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a markup language developed by W3C since 1996. Its main objectives are to facilitate traffic (sharing) of data to various information systems that vary, particularly that connected to each other via the internet. Until this paper is made, XML has become a kind of seed that is capable of winning many applications for the birth of the world information and communication technology.

Language is a markup language that contains a set of words and special symbols used to describe your entity in an identity document. Said extensible in File Extension XML indicate the nature of XML that can be developed and customized by users. For XML, the elements that are visible (explicit) can be developed are the tags. With this nature, a group of users have full flexibility to plan and determine the tags that are required by the application or a document. There are several benefits of XML is still evolving and will continue to be popular in the world of information technology. Benefits of this are as follows:
  • Identification Information.
    XML allows its users to create and define their own tags they want. For example, scientists can use the field of chemical elements in the XML to define the atom, molecule, compound, reaction, and all things related to the chemical. Meanwhile, in another place, agents real estate that it can be utilize for the purpose of the apartment, commissions, location, home, etc..
  • Storage of information.
    A file with File Extension XML , other than the portable, is also open or non-proprietary. With this nature, XML can be used to store text information an institution or an individual in any platform (Solaris, Unix, Windows, etc.). The user also does not need to worry with the existence of XML in the future because this language has been supported by large institutions and professionals. Thus, users do not need to throw a file format problem that usually can only be opened in a platform, but can not be opened on other platforms. Many observers felt that the XML document format is the most portable and flexible.
  • Structure Information.
    XML can be used to store information and identify the structures that have the concept of hierarchy. For example: information about the soccer league can be started from the data on the year / season rivalry, division name, club name, stadium name, name players, dst. This ability to be more value for File Extension XML that can be used to serve web-based application.
  • Publishing and Distribution Documents.
    Document with File Extension XML can be converted to other formats (PDF, HTML, Audio, Braille, etc.) to apply the appropriate stylesheet layout (using CSS or XSLT). With these advantages, users simply save the XML document in the media for storage and then change the XML format into another format like when he would distribute the document.
In conclusion, the document in the File Extension XML from a markup language that is portable, flexible and open side of the tag. XML is used for many processes in the electronic exchange of data between the various systems that are different. With XML, users have the opportunity to create their own markup language version.
READ MORE - Contrib XML for The Information Technology
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