2.200 Orang Antri Ponsel Facebook


General Manager PT Excelcomindo Pratama Tbk.(XL) Sumatera bagian Tengah (Sumbagteng), Suwandi Tjia mengatakan XL tersebut mencoba menawarkan perangkat sekaligus jaringan yang bisa digunakan untuk fasilitas Facebok dengan harga terjangkau.

XL menggandeng produsen telepon selular dari China dengan menawarkan program paket. Dalam tempo sebulan angka penjualan di seluruh daerah tersebut mencapai 3.700 unit dan 2.200 calon pengguna dalam daftar tunggu.

Sebagian besar dari pembeli produk adalah pengguna baru XL dan khusus di Pekanbaru. Dalam sepekan produk baru tersebut sudah terjual 100 unit dan puluhan calon pengguna dalam daftar tunggu.

Ia optimistis penyerapan pengguna baru terus bertambah karena dalam waktu dekat layanan tersebut akan diluncurkan ke pasar di Dumai, Duri dan Padang.

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Intel Fined, Harmful Millions of Consumers


Alleged monopoly practices not completely whack ruler chip, Intel. The European Commission has even found evidence that Intel misuse its position as ruler mikroprosesor x86 market in the world. Intel indicted hurt millions of consumers in Europe with the way the competitors barred entry to the computer chip market over the years, including creating competitors delay or cancel the launch of AMD-based products.

With the evidence, the European commission decided Intel fine of EUR 1.06 billion (U.S. $ 1.45 billion). Intel also ordered to immediately change its business practices, such as giving discounts on computer manufacturers that buy all or part of the Intel x86 CPU. Intel also will be required to pay a leading retail company, Media Saturn Holding since October 2002 to December 2007, if they sell Intel-based PC for the exclusive operation in all countries.

In addition to European Commission, there are three other institutions of fine Intel: Korea Fair Trade Commission (KFTC), Japan Fair Trade Commission (JFTC), and the Federal Trade Commission (FCT) AS.

KFTC impose fines 26 billion won (about U.S. $ 25.4 million) to Intel, and ordered to stop the practice of paying producers a PC that does not do business with AMD. This decision rejected the Intel submit the appeal.

Meanwhile, Japan Fair Trade Commission (JFTC) in 2005 warned the Intel because it violates the law antimonopoli in Japan. Illegally in Japan Intel exclusive agreement to fully or partially with 5 PC manufacturers.

In the U.S., the Federal Trade Commission (FCT) and the Office of the attorney general to do New York investigation against Intel over monopoly practices that do. In 2005, AMD submit the matter to the Delaware District Court of the United States who are scheduled to begin hearings in spring 2010.

Until now Intel has failed to persuade the institutions of law antimonopoli that appropriate business practices and legal benefits consumers.
READ MORE - Intel Fined, Harmful Millions of Consumers

Virtual Windows XP in Windows 7


To maintain the popularity of Windows XP, Microsoft is trying to combine Windows XP to the latest operating system, Windows 7. Microsoft has made Windows XP mode (Windows XP mode), which uses virtualization to run applications on Windows 7, which is designed for Windows XP. Mode of Windows XP applications built using this technology, the Virtual PC that Microsoft had made in 2003.

With the application in Windows XP, Microsoft also made the same for Windows Vista, which is able to be made compatible with Windows XP and previous operating system. Details for application mode of Windows XP to Windows 7 is called Virtual Windows XP, which was first published on the Windows SuperSite blog. However, the Windows XP mode technology is not to be part of Windows 7 beta, but will be included in the version of Windows 7 RC (Release Candidate).

As mentioned in the blog's Windows SuperSite, the XP will not come with a box of Windows 7, but the download version will be made free for the consumers who purchase the Windows version 7 Professional, Enterprise, or Ultimate. SuperSite site also has some screenshots of the application.

Windows XP This mode is designed specifically to help business to run a secondary Windows 7. Windows XP akan This mode provides the flexibility to run a long and productive applications in PC based Windows 7. Needed only to install Windows XP mode application directly in the environment of Windows XP, running on Windows Virtual PC. Many applications designed for Windows XP akan tertampil in virtual desktop Windows 7, and the user can run it from the desktop. "Pillowslip Microsoft's Scott Woodgate, in the same blog. Meanwhile, Microsoft also plans to release Windows XP and Windows Mode Virtual PC 7 for Windows Professional and Windows 7 Ultimate.
READ MORE - Virtual Windows XP in Windows 7

Campaign Blog on Kindle Publishing for Blogs?


Amazon, have created a new program, Kindle Publishing for Blogs for Kindle e-reader, a program that allows bloggers to sell their blog through the Amazon Kindle store. Kindle Publishing Program for Blogs are present in the beta version, the user must request the sign-up for an account on the Amazon blog and provide background information to the Amazon, such as RSS feeds and blog.

According to Amazon, Kindle Blogs are now present automated wireless connection through Kindle. Amazon claims that 70 percent subscribe to the blog have to pay per month and 30 percent owned by the blogger. Examples that have been following the Kindle Publishing for Blogs like The Huffington Post, and blog The New York Times, who has been paying 99 cents to $ 1.99 per month. However, Amazon will give you a fixed cost if the blogger would like to offer a blog to its Kindle.

Amazon Services is present after the latest Kindle DX debut. Amazon also telag Amazon released Encore, a service 'repetition', to identify the author of the book and show the potential to get big sales. Amazon plans to use customer reviews to find books that may be hidden and then distribute it through multiple channels, such as Amazon Books Store, Amazon Kindle Store, a bookstore and through national resellers.
READ MORE - Campaign Blog on Kindle Publishing for Blogs?

Manage Facebook's Desktop

Surely you know Facebook. Social networking sites or sites networking are increasingly popular course. His access to the more diverse (from PC to gadgets such as a BlackBerry) and features a variety of management and the reason why the site was built by Mark Zuckerberg in February 2004 is the more familiar course.

In fact, initially, this web site network membership is limited to students of Harvard College course. Furthermore, expanded to other universities in the Boston area, United States, to other parts of the country and around the world.

So any management. If you can only access the networking site by visiting its Web site through your internet browser, but now a number of applications-whether in the form of independent software, and plug-in can be used to monitor the progress of your account at the web site is nuanced blue.

Not only use Browser

Most of the software support for the Facebook function provides notification that a new development in your account, such as the existence of private messages & wall-to-wall a new, up and Poke friend request. There are also applications that enable you can directly approve friend requests and respond to every message without having to create an account in the browser.

As mentioned above, this Facebook application to support the general two, the single application and additional applications (plug-in or add-on). Applications that support a single management, among others, Facebook is Facebook Desktop 1 (www.ericzhang.com), Facebook Gadget 1 (www.turhanaydin.eu / gadgets), 8hands 0.9.135 (www.8hands.com), FizzBoost for Facebook 2.0 (www . gamaroff.org), Fosimo (www.x2line.com), Sociagami 1.0.17 (www.sociagami.com), chat to the manager application in Facebook, Digsby Build 45 (www.digsby.com).

If you like using Yahoo! Widgets used to-desktop application so that it can addedvariety of widgets or mini-applications try searching for a number of widgets for Facebook to manage.

The two widgets we found in the authorized source download (http://widgets.yahoo.com) is a Facebook Notifier and Facebook Update Status. If you still want to keep control over your browser, try adding a number of add-on support if you use Firefox as a browsing tool.

Many add-on related to Facebook at: https: //addons.mozilla.org/. There is a facility to process the image, such as the Facebook Photo Album Downloader and FacePAD: Facebook Photo Album Downloader. There is also a special set for the video, the Facebook Video.

Other, only a HugBack for Facebook, Facebook Toolbar, Pink Facebook, Notre Dame Facebook Style, Boost for Facebook, Facebar, and Who Is This Person? The latter is useful for people looking for information on the internet, including with the Facebook.

No loss to install it all, although it must add energy to install it. For the management of Facebook will be more practical. This may mean you do not need to go back and forth to work from a document to the browser, only to see account. Simply view the notification or development of new applications that are installed on one desktop.

Manage with Fosimo

  1. Download the installer file from the site www.download.com Fosimo or authorized site. Double-click the file appear to bar the installation process. Wait until complete, then run. Facebook Login box appears. Fill in your username and its password, then click [Login].
  2. In the next box that appears, click [Allow]. Now the application is active, the icon is marked with the emergence of the orange letters containing F in the system tray (bottom right corner of the screen). Right-click the icon, and select the options that are available. To monitor the status of a friend, click [Check's Friend].
  3. Next, the panel will appear containing the status of your friends in some of the screen. You can also view your own profile option with the click [My Profile]. Window containing this data can be utilized to change your Facebook status by typing something in the text box. Click [OK].
  4. Show your friends list with the options click [My Friend]. In the Profile List box, you can see all the name of a friend. If you click one of the name, then click [View], your friend's profile will appear.
  5. Want to upload your photos? Easy course. Click the option [Upload Photos]. In the dialog box that appears, click [Choose File to Upload] and select the image you want displayed, and click [Open]. Select a photo album that you want from the drop-down menu, "Photo Album". If you want to create a new album, the contents of the "Create New Album".

Fosimo requires at least Windows XP / Vista, 256MB RAM, 1GB hard drive, 2.0 Net Framework 3.0, Internet connection. Installer file size is 628KB, and can be downloaded at www.download.com or www.x2line.com.
READ MORE - Manage Facebook's Desktop

How to Download Quick Photo Album in Facebook


Photos on Facebook features save thousands of photographs of relatives, colleagues and your colleagues. Download the many collections of images is not easy. Moreover, if the Internet connection does not support.

Try to use Firefox Add-on: Facebook Photo Album Downloader (FacePAD). With the Facepad You can download a photo album at once, without having bothered to open the photos one by one manually saving ago.

How to take advantage of this application:
  1. Visit https: //addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/8442, select Add a link to Firefox.
  2. When the confirmation appears, click [Install Now].
  3. . Wait until the installation is finished. When already, go to Facebook.com and sign your Facebook account.
  4. Go to the page in a picture of dituju.
  5. Right-click on the album (not photos), and select [Download Album With FacePad].
  6. When a confirmation window appears, confirm it pengunduhan you.
  7. Download Firefox window will appear. Wait until it finished.
  8. After all finished downloaded, right click on the Firefox download window and select [Open containing folder].

READ MORE - How to Download Quick Photo Album in Facebook

Blog on Facebook


Social networking sites and blogs on the Internet is a facility that related. Social networking site into a tool to connect themselves with each other relatives, while a blog is a medium to deliver all the ideas, opinions, or whatever you have in mind. Both are related because they combine with, you can publish your thoughts or ideas to colleagues.

With Simplaris Blogcast, you can publish your blog to Facebook. Here is how to use them:
  1. Open the browser, access to Facebook, and login to your account.
  2. In the search field in the upper-right corner of the main page of your account, type in "simplaris blogcast".
  3. Once the application is found, click the name of the application.
  4. In the main application page, click the Go to Application / Go to Applications.
  5. Enter the address of your blog feed in the Blog Feed URL.
  6. Continue by clicking the button Lets Blogcast.
  7. Once the button Lets Blogcast! Is pressed, the display will appear with no content feed or articles. Please click the link update. Blogcast akan examine the content of your blog.
  8. To make the settings, go to the Settings menu. On the Settings menu you can set whether the update will be done automatically or not, can also be the name of the blog, long post that is displayed, and so forth.
  9. Press Save to save the settings you have set. Facebook pages now you will be charged with posting-posting you make on the blog.
READ MORE - Blog on Facebook

Laptops in Norway


Government of Norway to trial the use of a laptop computer as a means test to 6000 students.

If testing is successful the government will continue to use this way to all schools in the country.

Each student aged 16-19 years residing in the city of Nord-Trondelag already started using a laptop as a base system to support their learning. Secondary school students in the Norwegian assistance laptop when they are 16 years old. Laptops are used to help schools do their job.

During the test a special software prepared to monitor cheating in the practice tests. Laptops for student use of this software is supported with activities to their day-to-day. Some software that is used is the 'word Procesor, spreadsheets and calculators. Software programs are also tailored to the learning materials that they follow.

So far the center also thought how to overcome the threat of hacker software that they use. Norwegian success in implementing this system will create one of Norway became the first country to use the test method with the laptop.
READ MORE - Laptops in Norway

Free Header Images


For those of you who want to create a blog or website header, but the confused search for images. not confused, please visit the web at www.blogcatalog.com on the web there are lots of free pictures that can be placed in the header blog or your web site.

Please copy a few images, and edit using photoshop or fireworks. to create safe, good luck.
READ MORE - Free Header Images

Canon IXUS 95 IS


One of the advantages is the camera's compact size and ease of use is relatively small. That way, you can bring a camera everywhere to immortalize moments and important moments without difficulties. He also offered by Canon IXUS 95 IS, the convenience and Portability.

Canon IXUS 95 IS use of a 10 megapixel sensor with a lens that is capable of doing up to 3x optical zoom. Like most compact cameras, the performance of this camera is also very dependent on the lighting conditions at the time of shooting. But the outline, captured the quality of this camera is quite good.

The advantages offered by this Canon camera output is the ease of use. You do not need too direpotkan with this camera because it only offers three modes are: Auto, Program and Video. In Auto mode, everything is automatically adjusted to the time of shooting while on the Program mode allows you set the white balance, metering and ISO manually.

Canon IXUS 95 IS is equipped with a viewfinder as a backup if the situation did not enable the use of the LCD screen as a means to monitor objects dibidik. In addition, this camera also features autofocus mengusung really reliable as well and work quickly enough even though the dim light conditions. Features face detection and optical image stabilisation is also not less powerful

Saving Outlook Express Folders


At the time this article I will discuss how to save outlook file on your PC. I write this article based on the experience of friends, one of the email folder in Outlook Express laptop my friends accidentally erased, Fortunately program Outlook Express is not yet closed and The File Extension DBX folder in C:\Documents and Settings ... Local SettingsApplication DataIdentities {...} Microsoft Outlook Express still exists - has not been erased. How rocover be easier if the file is not deleted. Is as follows :

  1. Copy The File Extension DBX folders to another more secure, for example, to the backup folder.
  2. In the Microsoft Outlook Express, create a new folder with a different name, eg My Inbox-Mail.
  3. Rename The File Extension DBX in the backup folder with the same name in the second step.
  4. Stop Mirosoft Outlook Express program.
  5. Copy The File Extension DBX folders in OE to Microsoft backup storage folder on the C: \ Documents and Settings {...} SettingsApplication Local DataIdentities {...} MicrosoftOutlook Express. Overwriting files that already exist there.
  6. Re-run Microsoft Outlook Express.

Done already, you stay-correcting filter that filters to the folder. As additional information for you, that outlook express is made microsoft software, when you install microsoft office 2003 or 2007 the outlook Express software automatically installed as well.

One tips again for you. If your Outlook Express will not remember the e-mail password, which would then need to be entered in each time. To solve the problem:

  1. Open Registry Editor --> start menu --> click run and type regedit
  2. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft
  3. Right Click Protected Storage System Provider
  4. Choose the Permissions option
  5. Click the Advanced box near the bottom right hand corner. This should open another box, Towards the bottom of this box there should be two tick boxes, make sure that both of them are ticked. Click Apply, another box will open Click Yes, then Click OK and OK again.
  6. Left Click the + next to Protected Storage System Provider and Delete any sub folder in this tree. (Right clicking and choose the delete option or press the delete key and choosing yes to delete)
  7. Restart Computer.
READ MORE - Saving Outlook Express Folders
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